  • All cases under inquiry in Formosa Plastics Group Vietnam E-procurement System are classified by material and summarized below.
  • Since you have not become a member of Formosa Plastics Group Vietnam E-procurement System, you may only browse the summary of procurement tender announcements. No full inquiry or online quotes will be provided; please click 「Become an online supplier」,To enjoy the e-procurement services provided by Formosa Plastics Group Vietnam!
  • If you are already a member of Formosa Plastics Group Vietnam E-procurement System 「Formosa Plastics Group Vietnam E-procurement System」please log in first to submit quotes.
Search condition
Price inquiry number
Buyer group

Starting date of announcement
Ending date of announcement

    You may only search for inquiries made three days before the date of the announcement (including the date of search).

List of gazette type